First and foremost, I want to thank every single person who has ever shopped with me, either in person at a market, through our instagram or online, and everyone who either browsed, complimented or just stopped by to say hello. It truly means everything to know that I had even a little bit of success.
I first opened up this vintage shop during lockdowns in 2020 which feels like a lifetime ago. Looking back so much has changed in the last 4 years, in my personal life, my careers (from a woman who wears many hats) with lots of growth and experience as well as some loss. In the last 2 years alone my partner and I got engaged and bought our first home, something that I’m so grateful for. We live in beautiful Southern California, where we plan to stay and grow (for now) and because of that ($$$) I’ve made the choice to put myself back in school with the goal to solidify a career in which I don’t have to work 24/7 and could have balance and the freedom that comes with stability, something that I haven’t truly experienced in any career thus far. I don’t regret the time I ever spent on this shop, at markets, or behind the scenes trying to grow an audience and customer base, but I noticed that when I had my best months in business, I didn’t have any time free time to to any of the things I love, or spend time with friends and family. All of which has become far more important to me recently.
With that being said, I’ve had to take a large step back from this vintage shop. I will always hold a place in my heart for vintage and I will always continue to collect and share with this community, but I think it will look a little different moving forward. You may see Sisu Vintage under a new name in the future (strictly business/legal reasons), and potentially on a different platform but I will still be here... somewhere.
I will be in school for the next 2-3 years and hope to come out on the other side able to share vintage with love and purpose again.
Thank you all for being here, and I hope we meet again.
Angel @sisuvintageusa